Thursday, October 22, 2009

If I do run>cmd>msconfig>startup and find 33 items ticked. Too many?

Some identify themselves but others I have no idea what they are/do, can I find out what the mysterious ones are?

I understand that antivirus software and the like should be there but can I just delete the others? Two of them have no associated command but the locations are HKCU\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\




whilst another one (rainlender) appears twice with exactly the same command line and location!

All very strange for little old me. I am trying to find out why the Task Manager shows CPU usage varies so much from single figures up to 31% 58% even 100% from time time. presumably there is too much going on?

Any help would be gratefully acknowledged.


If I do run%26gt;cmd%26gt;msconfig%26gt;startup and find 33 items ticked. Too many?norton 2008

33 is a bit excessive, yes.

The easiest way to determine what you need is to look at the command, not the location. You show HCKU\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\ETC. This is the location. Just to the left of this line is the Command. If you expand the, it will tell you what the name of the program that is loading up.

Example: Under the startup item of Acrotray, My command line shows the following. C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Distillr\Acrotray.exe

This tells me the startup file is an Adobe Distiller file. I know I don't need Adobe Distiller running in the background, so I check the box and turn it off.

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