Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wat should i do my pc has been affected by virus?

its so powerful that it has corrupted my latest antivirus software,and it hangs of my pc when any antivi.. software is being installed.I TOO DO NOT HAV THE DRIVER CDS WITH ME ...

Wat should i do my pc has been affected by virus?firewall

you don't need reformat!!!!!! role back your hard drive. go to ALL PROGRAMS, ACCESSORIES, SYSTEM TOOLS, SYSTEM RESTORE, then it will ask you if you want to restore your computer to an earlier date click yes. pick a date on the calender before you got the virus the click OK. it will restore the computer like the day you got the virus never happened.

Wat should i do my pc has been affected by virus?husqvarna

the best way is to re-format your system... about driver CDs, u can ask your friends for help to find the drivers from the internet.
you need to reformat should have partitioned your drives for protection
Buy a Mac. They don't get viruses.
Take out the infected hard drive from your computer, and bring it to any tech shop. Hopefully, they might be able to delete the virus without re-formatting. Tech shops should have computers that many virus protection programs are installed on. They can connect your hard drive to their computer as the secondary drive, and perform full amount of virus protection programs to kill the virus. If you have a friend who builded him/her own computer, ask him/her.
serves you right for going on sites you shouldn't have, enough free anti virus software around people like you only spread the damn things ...
Download and install a good antivirus program. You can find a list here:

Then scan your computer and delete all the infected files. Then you should be OK. Be sure you keep your antivirus program updated and also use a firewall!

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