Sunday, September 20, 2009

Is it normal for my antivirus software (AVG) to take over 2 HOURS to complete a scan of my desktop P

This is just ridiculous!

Is it normal for my antivirus software (AVG) to take over 2 HOURS to complete a scan of my desktop PC?adware

Yes, especially the first time.

You don't need to do a scan every time. You keep the antivirus as a preventive tool, that blocks any malicious code from operating.

You do a scan only when you suspect virus infection.

Is it normal for my antivirus software (AVG) to take over 2 HOURS to complete a scan of my desktop PC?antivirus scan

i use avg and yes it can take a long while to scan depending if you chose a full system scan or just a selected area. if you have a large amount of files in your pc then yes this is normal
yes this is normal, particularly if you have a large amount of data.
YES depending on the amount of GIGs it's scanning

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